Un blog personale ci si trova un po di tutto ma è orientato alla tecnologia reti wireless e telecomunicazioni. Fatto in 2 lingue, inglese e italiano.
martedì 30 ottobre 2007
Nokia battery replacement arrived.
Today I received my battery replacement. As noone knows Nokia is offering free replacement batteries for the ones that bought one from a defective bach from matsushita. Those defective batteries were produced in china with second choice materials (Possibly altered without nokia knowing) and had in some cases the tendence to overheat or even ignite.
Now a LIPO Fire is never a good thing. Lithium Polymers are unstable and can start a self-sustaining chemical fire that neither water or sand can extinguish. Even worse those batteries have the habit of exploding.
Here is a video for your information. The first battery is a cheap and fake chinese, the second in a "compatible one" and the third costing several orders of magnitude more is a original Nokia, you watch the video then decide what you want in your jeans pocket:
Then it comes this other video depicting a envelope very similar to the one that I found in my mailbox with instructions on how to return my old battery...
By getting a PRO account on flickr you are eligible to get a 10 free MOO minicards as a gift. I did. It didn't work in the first place but then they fixed a bug and I was later able to place a order for these cards. You can configure how you want your picture to be framed and additional data to be placed n the card but in the end the real problem is that these cards are not good.
Results are disappointing. I uploaded good resolution pictures and the cards are printed with a thypographical looking process. I am still undecided if there is a moiree but the contrast and resolution seems to be dimmed in comparison to the originals. Also the cards are really mini and I don't see any actual usefullness. The cardboard is strong and the packaging is great but still... if I am ever going to order prints from MOO it's sure it won't be another bach of minicards.
Hollywood Problem - Plagiarization and kidnapping of foreign movies
There is a problem in Hollywood, a serious one. Major houses they have too much money and very little courage and I guess some very bad business practice. I already ranted about the capability of those corporate monsters to sue helpless families for copyright infringment but now let's take a look at what happens behind the creation of much of this so called copyright content. Take in account that I am not talking about every american movies, but only about the vaste (waste) part that we enjoy in europe. I am sure many talented artist are there and some times something good even reaches us... but most of the times bad things happen...
So let's start taking for granted the basic rule of the great american cinema "industry corrected" it is: "if you duplicate something is a STEAL and when they do duplicate something then it is a REMAKE". American industry always Remakes european and asian movies. But why do they have to steal ideas from foreign movies? Well from a economic point of view there are two basic and outstanding reasons.
The first one is that the american movie industry is very happy to produce a few multimillion worth pieces of C.R.A.P. (Content Realized for American Public) and hold onto this CRAP and try to make every possible cent out of it. This would now be possible if decent movies were around. This year I witnessed some pieces of CRAP like the "TRASFORMERS" and I still remember with sorrow the day that I wasted my money on the "TITANIC" and similar masterpiece of CRAP enjoied worldwide courtesy of the MPAA
The second reason is that people from time to time becomes disaffectioned by watching too much CRAP and needs a break. So to stop it decent movies have to be made a thing of the past. The industry so performs a "REMAKE" or a Movie realized under the "Content Remaked for American Public" scheme. This causually sound exactly like CRAP and for this reason I am going to add a F in front of it: F. CRAP (What the F stands for you can imagine yourself.)
As much I don't have a problem with the original CRAP that might be funny to watch from time to time... I see that are serious implications in the F.CRAP. Lets run a mental example of one of the many issues behind the plagiarization of world movies. You probably have seen "La Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci. What would you think if a museum director stopped you from watching the original locking that in the basement and substituded it with a "Remake" wearing fancy rapper clothes on order to charge you the museum ticket? What would you think if the very same director tried to make you believe that the fake picture was indeed a original? Well you could thing bad things but consider that a movie is a moving Picture and the hollywood people are doing this to movies. They are what you were thinking.
CASE N°1 - Il Mare (Siworae) copied as "The lake house"
One of the many victims is "Il Mare" di Hyun-seung Lee that's a very successful Korean movie it was actually so succesful that some greedy "talent scout" from hollywood decided to make a Remake and market it with a almost identical story as "The Lake House" with a screenplay copied by Alejandro Agresti. Now this Agresti is named as director, but really the sceenplay was there, the storyboard was there and the actors were different. The big innovation being that the house is not on the SEA but on the LAKE. Let's hail to the creativity of Mr. Agresti and to the corporate movie industry that prevented so many peple to watch a Korean original masterpiece.
See for yourself. I watched them both and frankly I am quite disgusted by the american transliteration of this piece of art. Here below a music video with pieces of the original movie and the the hollywood remake trailer.
Did you see any reference to the original movie in the trailer? I didn't.
CONSIDERATION ABOUT THE F.CRAP CREATIVE PROCESS Then what's up with creativity and all the bullshit about the Good American Movie Industry producing quality movies and new stories? In this case and in many others the process of realasing a picture is plain and easy:
Find a good foreign picture to rip off
Offer a sum of money in order acquire the rights for distribution
NEVER distribute the picture to the outside world so that it can't compete against Hollywood CRAP Blockbusters
If a profit opportunity for a F.CRAP arises then make it and distribute otherwise go back to point 4.
I am very uncontent with this strategy. The italian, european and american public lose the possibility of watching a large number of movies just because those corporate businessmen need to push for Spiderman IV or similar crap. It's the parallel of the stuff happening on the music front with the payola stuff.
KIDNAPPED MOVIES Then there is a problem with movies stuck in the loophole number 4. KIDNAPPED forever and never released to the public to make room for the CRAP marketed by hollywood executives. And so the world goes, to see excellent pictures as HULK, TITANIC and others we are simply denied real masterpiece on the account that if We (the consumers) don't know they exist we won't complain and above all don't hurt the sales of the CRAP.
I have this issue with one of my most loved movies that is "My Sassy Girl" by Jae-young Kwak that is a Korean Movie that hasn't been distributed anywhere and possibly will never do. It is deeply rooted into korean culture and a simple remake is not possible without wasting 90% of the qualities of the original. This is a vicious shame. There is namely a F. CRAP in the making but having seen the original I am quite sure that I will be much disappointed by the F.CRAP version if it ever makes out, that's it.
CASE N°2- L'ultimo bacio REMAKED AS "The last Kiss" Here we go again. Brilliant italian movie by Muccino, a director that is specialized in moving emotions throught personal stories and a witty use of the camera. Everything in his art is about contrast. The filthy personal stories of the characters contrast against the beauty of the actors the scenes. The music contrasts with the moving takes and the final feeling is deeply touching. At least if you see the original. I'm not quite sure about the hollywood version even if people on youtube seem to agree that it's crap. Here you go again and well at least Gabriele Muccino is mentioned in the titles.
CASE 3° TAXXI by Luc Besson REMAKED AS "Taxxi" Tim Story This is getting pathetic. Well the French style of mr Besson is not easy to copy. Impossible I dare to say. Een on youtube if you look for taxxi you can't find the trailer of the american copy. The IMBD who's actually quite keen on votes gives a poor 4 considering that it is a USA based website and voters are used to watch CRAP everyday you could consider that they have been desensitized by now... but not :D there is still hope. BTW the original took a 6.7 so also considering there could be no voters it's not bad by any standard. I found the trailer for the Taxxi4 movie of the series that now by coincidence in france is in the fourth iteration and just a F.CRAP experiment in the USA.
AND THE LIST GOES ON Yes the list goes on... movies like "the ring" and many others are constantly F-CRAPPED in the states. See four yourself using the IMDB. Everytime you want to check out a movie see for yourself if you are going to see the original or some imitation.
Of course I believe that this has to be stopped and the way is already there. Don't go to see F.CRAP stick with the original content. There are websites releasing the Kidnapped movies already subtitled and if you want you are free to buy your own original HongKong (just look on ebay there are hundreds of shops).
Giornata dei Blogger per solidarietà ai Bonzi Birmani
Non mi va di scrivere niente. Quindi riporto un articolo di un altro blog con copia incolla ma lasciandovi il piacere di controllare anche l'originale a sfaccimma della gente.
Leggo da Repubblica.it che un sit-in è stato promosso dall'amministrazione comunale di Napoli in segno di solidarietà per gli episodi di violenza accaduti in Birmania in questi giorni oggi, alle 17:30, davanti alla sede del Consiglio Comunale in Via Verdi.
C'è qualcosa che non mi quadra. Come al solito, per chiarire un po' la situazione tra tutta questa sfaccimma che si pone davanti agli occhi e non ci fa vedere un cazzo, proviamo a fare due conti. Gli scontri in Birmania sono cominciati lunedì 24 settembre. Da lunedì 24 a Napoli, nel giro di 4 gorni, sono avvenuti i seguenti atti di folklore:
• agguato ai Quartieri Spagnoli: 1 ferito • agguato a Secondigliano: 1 ferito • agguato a Mugnano: 1 morto e 2 feriti • agguato a Secondigliano: 1 morto e 2 feriti • agguato ad Arzano: 1 morto • agguato a Torre del Greco: 1 ferito • agguato a Villaricca: 1 morto • agguato a Ercolano: 1 morto • agguato a Calvizzano: 1 morto
Ora, mi aspetto che una delegazione di bonzi birmani, sotto pressione dei nostri amministratori, pruomuovano un sit-in davanti ad un loro templio del cazzo per gli episodi di violenza accaduti a Napoli in questi giorni. Consiglierei, a tale scopo, ai nostri amministratori una lettera aperta scritta in lingua inglese.